Past Webinars

Timezone: Casablanca

How musicians can protect their most important sense" by Minuendo Earplugs

October 4, 2021 at 5:00 pm (Madrid)
Webinar ID
Join this live webinar to get to know statistics, problems and real solutions around hearing issues. With this encounter, we aim to bring awareness to the importance of hearing protection.
Minuendo will be there with earplugs to protect you when it gets too loud, in your rehearsals and shows.

Panelist: Tom Alexander Trones
Chief Product Officer
Minuendo | Lossless earplugs
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Show Recordings
How musicians can protect their most important sense" by Minuendo Earplugs (Recordings)

October 4, 2021 at 3:54 pm

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Video Recording

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Audio Recording

106.65 KB